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Towards sustainable economy innovation and interconnectivity for social development

Berta Issa , Managing Director and Founder of INGA ROSE, participates in the main initial investment event that fills the funding gap between the Francophone, Anglophone, Lusophone and Arabophone markets.


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Inga Rose, head of Human Capital Management at "Hengye Electroncis Industria S.A"

The Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, presided last Friday, 09/10/2020, the ceremony for the launching of the first stone for the construction of the first plant of smart meters for energy and water in the country, a project to be implemented by the company Hengye Electronics-Industry S.A, Angolan law with Chinese partnership


Another Post with Imag

MASFAMU in partnership with INGA ROSE, have developed the More Inclusion Project

The More Inclusion project aims to evaluate the implementation of these policies in macro public and private structures through a collection of statistical data.